As women, we are fortunate enough to be born in an era where although society is still patriarchal, the almost Wild West of the internet has allowed many of us to find success in spite of it. A growing number of women are becoming financially independent and even wealthier than their male counterparts. It’s a new dawn and we no longer have to watch the sun shine brightly on others. We can learn the tools of success in such an era and bask in it as well.

Panel 1


Why High Waisted Jeans Are Here To Stay

It should be noted that some clothing brands are trying to reintroduce low rise jeans, but the internet has spoken and isn’t having any of that. Simply searching the words “low rise jeans” returns a unison of unanimous outcry against the trend. Not dramatic at all, Srisha. The reasons for the decry ranged from unflattering … Continue reading Why High Waisted Jeans Are Here To Stay

Panel 2


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